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Protestni skup 17. januara u Novom Pazaru

Protestni skup 17. januara u Novom Pazaru

Protestni skup 17. januara u Novom Pazaru

Povodom održavanja predstojećeg protestnog skupa " ZA VLADAVINU PRAVA, PRAVNU SIGURNOST I JEDNAKOST PRED ZAKONOM" zakazan za utorak, 17 januara 2017 godine sa početkom u 13 sati, danas je održana Press konferencija SDA Sandžaka. 

Na Press konferenciji govorio je narodni poslanik SDA Sandžaka u Skupštini Srbije gospodin Enis Imamović.

Izjavu narodnog poslanika Enisa Imamovića prenosimo u cjelosti 

"Tema današnje Press konferencije je najava protestnog skupa u organizaciji SDA Sandžaka pod sloganom "Za vladavinu prava, pravnu sigurnost i jednakost pred zakonom" koji će se održati sutra, dakle u utorak u 13h ispred "Sebilja" u Novom Pazaru.  

SDA Sandžaka već godinama unazad, na današnji dan, organizuje ove proteste u povodu obilježavanja godišnjice od neriješenog zločina oružanog upada u službene prostorije SDA Sandžaka i pokušaja ubistva Predsjednika Ugljanina, koji je u to vrijeme bio i ministar u Vladi Srbije.

Činjenica da i nakon 8 godina od tog zločina nadležni državni organi nisu rasvijetlili ovaj slučaj jasno dokazuje ulogu države u njegovom prikrivanju. 

Razlozi za proteste su i potreba da se skrene pažnja domaćoj i međunarodnoj javnosti na brojne teške zločine nad Bošnjacima Sandžaka devedestih, koji još uvijek nisu rasvijetljeni, a kojima su bili izloženi od strane Miloševićevog režima i njegovih izvršilaca u vidu tzv. srpskih oružanih snaga sačinjenih od vojnih i policijskih jedinica i paravojnih formacija u njihovom sastavu. 

Prošlo je četvrt vijeka, od kako su Bošnjaci otimani iz voza u Štrpcima, autobusa u Sjeverinu, od granatiranja sela Kukurovići, decenije od zločina u bošnjackoj mahali u sjevernom dijelu Kosovske Mitrovice, od pojedinačnih ubistava Bošnjaka koja nisu rasvijetljena zbog čega Bošnjaci i dalje žive u neizvjesnosti i očiglednoj nejednakosti pred zakonom i državnim organima.

Postoji veliki broj nestalih Bošnjaka čiju sudbinu do danas ne znamo. 

Ove žrtve zaslužuju da im se prizna status civilnih žrtava rata, a njihove porodice zaslužuju sva prava koja im iz toga pripadaju. 

Na protestu želimo skrenuti pažnju i na organizovano nasilje koje se sprovodi nad Bošnjacima u zatvorima širom Srbije.

Na ova i još mnoga druga pitanja nadležni državni organi (policija, tužilastvo i sud) nisu dali odgovor niti su išta uradili u skladu sa svojim zakonskim obavezama i ovlašćenjima kako bi ovi zločini bili rasvijetljeni, a zločinci kažnjeni.

U takvim državnim organima Republike Srbije i danas rade ljudi koji su optuženi za ratne zločine, što je dokaz koliko je u Srbiji neophodan zakon o lustraciji. 

U isto vrijeme se u Sandžaku, u policiji, sudovima i tužilastvima sprovodi aparthejd nad Bošnjacima, postavljanjem/nametanjem kadrova iz Beograda u svojstvu partijskih jastrebova vladajućih stranaka.

Upravo na taj način, ova, ali i sve prethodne Vlade, kršenjem Ustava i zakona i nametanjem kadrovskih rješenja na štetu Bošnjaka, svjesno podstiče nacionalne podjele i međunacionalnu netrpeljivost u Sandžaku.

Vrhunac tog bezakonja je kada Predsjednik Vlade Aleksandar Vučić preko medija daje instrukcije policiji, tužilastvu i sudu kako da postupe u slučaju bespravne gradnje njegovog koalicionog partnera Muamera Zukorlica.

Nažalost pravosudni organi su kao i decenijama unazad postupili po usmenim instrukcijama lidera iz Beograda. 

Tako nešto je potvrda da u Srbiji ne funkcioniše podjela vlasti na zakonodavnu, sudsku i izvršnu već je svu vlast u svoje ruke uzeo jedan covjek.

Zbog takvog odnosa, Bošnjačko nacionalno vijeće je kao najviše predstavničko tijelo Bošnjaka u Republici Srbiji zauzelo stav da ovakvi državni organi kakve imamo u Sandžaku nemaju legitimitet da sude Bošnjacima, sve dok se prema Ustavu i zakonima ne usaglasi njihova struktura sa strukturom stanovništva. 

Šta su takvi sudovi do danas uradili po pitanju neriješenih masovnih otmica, mučenja i ubistava Bošnjaka devedesetih godina?

Sta su uradili povodom genocidnih prijetnji izrečenih Bošnjacima Sandžaka prošle godine na fudbalskoj utakmici u Novom Pazaru od strane naoružanih četnika koji su dovedeni u svojstvu tzv. navijača crvene zvezde. 

Da li je možda neko od njih makar i saslušan zbog toga? Ja znam - Nikad i Niko. 

Bošnjake može da napada i da im prijeti kako ko hoće i ne samo da neće biti kažnjen, već će biti i nagradjen zbog toga. 

Zasto policija, tužilaštvo i sudovi ne daju odgovore? Ko je dozvolio prijetnje Bošnjacima da će doživjeti novu Srebrenicu? Ko je doveo te ljude? I ko je odgovoran zato što ovi ljudi nisu kažnjeni?

Zbog čega se u blizini sandžačkih gradova prave kampovi za specijalne policijske snage i po čijem nalogu vojska sa uniformama i fantomkama postavlja punktove zaustavlja ljude od Ušća prema Novom Pazaru, uglavnom noću. 

Sve su ovo samo neki od razloga zbog kojih se svakog 17. januara, godinama unazad organizuje protest u Novom Pazaru, kako bi skrenuli paznju na težak položaj Bošnjaka u Republici Srbiji i neophodnost da se pod hitno pristupi nalaženju rješenja.

S’ tim u vezi mi, legitimni predstavnici Bošnjaka,  pozivamo Vladu Republike Srbije i delegaciju Evropske Unije u Beogradu da zajedno sjednemo i nadjemo rješenja za nagomilane probleme Bošnjaka, sa akcentom na akcione planove za poglavlja 23 i 24, te hitnoj reviziji manjinskog akcionog plana iz koga su izbačeni svi zahtjevi legitimnih predstavnika Bošnjaka". 


Dear media representatives,

Today’s press conference is summoned as an announcement of the protest rally “For legal certainty, rule of law and equality before the law” which is organized by the Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak (Bosnian: Stranka demokratske akcije Sandzaka) and that will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, at 13:00 hrs in Novi Pazar in front of Sebilj.

SDA of Sandzak for years, on this day, has organized the protest rally in order to mark the anniversary of the unsolved crime of armed break-in into the official premises of the PDA of Sandzak and the assassination attempt of the president Ugljanin, who at that time was a minister in the Serbian government.

The fact that even eight years after this crime took place, the competent state authorities haven’t shed light on this case, clearly shows the role of the state in this cover-up.

The protest is also motivated by the need of drawing attention of the local and international community to the number of serious crimes committed against Bosniaks of Sandzak during the 1990s, which have not yet been clarified, and which Bosniaks were exposed to by the Milosevic regime and its perpetrators in the form of the so-called Serb armed forces which were composed of military and police units and paramilitary groups in their composition.

Two and a half decades have passed since Bosniaks were abducted from the train in Strpce and the bus in Sjeverin. Two and a half decades have passed since the shelling of Kukurovići village, a decade since the crimes in the Bosniak mahalain the northern parts of Mitrovica, Kosovo, and a decade since the individual murders of Bosniaks which were not resolved and because of which Bosniaks still live in uncertainty and the apparent inequality before the law and the state authorities.

There is a large number of Bosniaks missing whose fate remains unknown to this date.

These victims deserve to be recognized as the civilian victims of war and their families deserve all the rights entitled to them.

In addition, the aim of the protest is to draw attention to the organized violence that is carried out against Bosniaks in prisons throughout Serbia.

These and many other questions were not answered by the competent national authorities (police, prosecutor’s offices and courts) nor they have done anything in accordance with their legal obligations and authorities in order to shed light on the above-mentioned crimes and to punish the perpetrators.

Even today, Serbian authorities still employ people who are charged with war crimes, which is a proof of how much Serbia needs the law on lustration.

At the same time an apartheid is enforced on Bosniaksin the police, courts and prosecutor’s offices in Sandzak by recruiting / imposing staff from Belgrade which act as war hawks of the ruling political parties.

This is how the current, as well as all of the previous administrations, have knowingly encouraged ethnic divisions and interethnic bigotry in Sandzak by violating the laws and the Constitution and by imposing personnel solutions to the detriment of Bosniaks.

The culmination of this lawlessness is when Aleksandar Vucic the incumbent Prime Minister through media gives instructions to the police, prosecutors and courts, on how they all should proceed in the case of illegal constructions of his coalition partner,Muamer Zukorlic.

Unfortunately, judicial authorities have acted in accordance with the verbal instructions given to them by the political leaders in Belgrade. That is how they have acted in the past several decades.

The previously stated is a confirmation that in Serbia the separation of powers into the legislative, judicial and executive power is nonexistent and that all of the authority is in the hands of one man.

Because of this kind of relations, the Bosniak National Council as the highest representative body of Bosniaks in Serbia took a position that these state authorities that we have in Sandzak do not have the required legitimacy of issuing verdicts to Bosniaks, as long as their ethnic structure is not harmonized with the ethnic structure of the population in Sandzak municipalities, and all in accordance with the laws and the Constitution.

To date, what have these courts done on the issues of unsolved mass kidnappings, tortures and murders committed against Bosniaks during the 1990s?

What have they done on the issues of the genocidal threats stated last year at a football match in Novi Pazar against the Bosniaks of Sandzak by armed Chetniks, who were brought as the so-called FC Red Star Belgrade fans?

Was someone ever interrogated for these acts? Here is the answer- no one and never.

Bosniaks can be attacked and threatened by anyone and he/she will not only be protected by impunity, but he/she will be rewarded for the committed acts.

Why are the answers not provided by the police, prosecutors and courts? Who has allowed that Bosniaks are threatened with facing a new Srebrenica? Who has brought those people? And who can be held responsible for their impunity?

Why are special police forces camps established near cities in the region of Sandzak? And on whose orders uniformed and masked armed forces are setting up checkpoints and stopping people on their way from Usce to Novi Pazar, mainly during the night?

The above listed are just some of the reasons why , for years back, on every January 17, a protest is being organized in Novi Pazar,in order to draw attention to the plight of Bosniaks in Serbia and the necessity of urgently accessing the quest for proper solutions.

In this regard, we, the legitimate representatives of Bosniaks, hereby call upon on the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia to get together and to find solutions to the accumulated problems of Bosniaks, with an emphasis on the Action plans for negotiating chapters 23 and 24, and on the urgent revision of the Minority Action Plan from which all of the requests made by legitimate representatives of Bosniaks were excluded.”



28 novembar br. 57
36300 Novi Pazar, Srbija
+(381) 20 313 032
Ponedeljak-Petak 9:00-17:00
[email protected]
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