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Održan protestni skup

Održan protestni skup

Održan protestni skup

U nedjelju, 17. januara u Novom Pazaru, pred nekoliko hiljada građana Sandžaka održan je protestni skup Stranke demokratske akcije Sandžaka  „Pravda za Sandžak“.

Povod za organizovanje protestnog skupa bio navršavanje 7 godina od oružanog upada u službene prostorije SDA Sandžaka i pokušaj ubistva predsjednika Stranke i tadašnjeg ministra u Vladi Srbije dr. Sulejmana Ugljanina, te pokušaja višestrukog ubistva članova rukovodstva Stranke.

Gaženje ustavnih načela, zakona, plansko uništavanje ekonomije i privrede Sandžaka, velika nezaposlenost, te brojni nerasvijetljeni zločini, otimice, masovna ubistva su samo neki od problema Bošnjačkog naroda u Srbiji. Rješenje ovih i ostalih problema sadržani su u Prijedlogu Akcionog plana za manjine, čije je hitno usvajanje zatraženo na skupu.

Na skupu su usvojeni sljedeći  


  1. Tražimo od MUP -a R.Srbije da u roku od 15 dana, na svoj službeni sajt objavi zvaničnu službenu  informaciju o događajima 16 i 17. januara 2009. godine u službenim prostorijama SDA Sandžaka - tada koalicije  "Lista za Sandžak dr. Sulejman Ugljanin" trg maršala Tita br.2.  u Novom Pazaru. Da istu u pisanoj formi dostavi Stranci Demokratske Akcije Sandžaka u Novom Pazaru u. Stevana Nemanje br.25.

      2. Tražimo od uprave Grada Novog Pazara da u roku od 7. dana,  na službeni sajt Grada objavi podatke o dugovanjima Grada, i to:
-  Prema budžetskim korisnicima za neisplaćene plate i doprinose,
-  Prema izvođačima radova,
- Zaduženja kod banaka i sve druge neizmirene obaveze, uključujući i kamate nastale zbog prekomjernog i neodgovornog zaduživanja;
- Da grad Novi Pazar obustavi od izvršenja odluku o finansiranju medija - za Regionalnu televiziju preko 53 miliona dinara.

      3. Pozivamo sve odbornike koji su pod pritiskom i ucjenama vladajućeg režima napustili svoje odborničke klubove da u roku od 7 dana vrate mandate svojim strankama u Novom Pazaru.

      4.Tražimo od Vlade Republike Srbije:
- Da poništi odluku o privatizaciji Regionalne televizije, da je ustupi Bošnjačkom nacionalnom vijeću u skladu sa zakonom i tako omogući Bošnjacima informisanje na maternjem jeziku.
- Da objavi koje odobrio Gradu Novom Pazaru tolika zaduženja.
- Da izvrši upravni inspekcijski nadzor nad finansijskim poslovanjem grada Novog Pazara,
- Da se jasno utvrdi opravdanost zaduženja, neizmirenih obaveza i odgovornost za nastale kamate po osnovu tih zaduživanja.
- Da u manjinski Akcioni plan uvrsti zvanične prijedloge Bošnjaka I drugih manjina u Srbiji.

    5. Zahtjevamo od Evropske unije da Evropska unija ne prihvati Akcioni plan za manjine u koji nisu ugrađeni prijedlozi Bošnjačkog nacionalnog vijeća i drugih manjina u Srbiji.



Protest “Justice for Sandzak” held in Novi Pazar

The Democratic Action Party of Sandzak (SDA) held a rally under the name Justice for Sandzak on January the 17. In front of several thousand citizens of Sandzak in Novi Pazar.

The protest has been expressed at the gathering because of the fact that the state organs of te Republic of Serbia have been covering up the crime in an organized manner which had happened in the Party (SDA) business premises, which had happened seven years ago. The crime has been committed against the SDA leadership at presents the heads of the police, prosecution and the court of Novi Pazar.

Violations of the constitution principles, the law and planned distraction of economy of Sandzak, high rates of unemployment, as well as unraveled  crimes, kidnappings a great numer of murders are just some of the problems of the Bosnaks people in Serbia. Solutions of these and the other problems are in he content of the draft Action plan for minorities and its urgent adoption has been claimed at the gathering as well.

The  demands are as follows:

  1. We ask the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia to issue an official information about the events of 16 and 17, January 2009, which took place on the business premises of the SDA of Sandžak –which was by that time called Coalition “List for Sandžak Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin”, and to sent  the information in written form to the Democratic Action Party in Novi Pazar, Stefan Nemanja No.25. 
  1. We ask the local government of Novi Pazar to publish the information data about the debt  of the City on it’s official webpage within the 7 days including the following: 

a) The data relating about the budget users on unpaid wages and contribution,
b) The data relating the contractors of works as well as all other legal  and physical debts,
c) The data about debts relating commercial banks and all other unpaid obligations including interest rates which occurred because of over limited and irresponsible borrowing, and
d) The organ in charge of the local government of Novi Pazar’s to stop implementation of  the decision on the financing the media – financing of the Regional TV in amount of over 53 millions dinars. 

  1. We call upon all those councilors of the City of Novi Pazar who had earlier left their councilors clubs under the pressure of the ruling regime to return their mandates to their original political parties in Novi Pazar within 7 days. 
  1. We ask the Government of the Republic of Serbia to: 

a) Annual the decision on the privatization of Regional TV, to transfer the ownership to Bosniak National Council, in accordance with the law and in that manner to provide to the Bosniaks to be informed in their mother tongue,
b)  Announce who has approved the borrowing of the City of Novi Pazar to such extent,
c)  Order administrative and inspection supervision over financial affairs of the City of Novi Pazar,
d) Stop the budget implementation of City of Novi Pazar because of damaging of public interest of the citizens of Novi Pazar and wasting of the budget financial means and excessive borrowings,
e) Review the validity of the unpaid debts and responsibility for interests rates made on the basis of these borrowings,
f) Include official proposals of the Bosniaks and other minorities in the Action plan of Serbia. 

     5. We request from the European Union not to accept the Action plan for minorities which excludes the proposals of the Bosniak national council and other minorities national councils in Serbia.

28 novembar br. 57
36300 Novi Pazar, Srbija
+(381) 20 313 032
Ponedeljak-Petak 9:00-17:00
[email protected]
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